• iOS Shooter Designs Part 1: Game Screen

    It's been a bit of a hectic week for me, but I'm not going to let that get in the way of my iOS Shooter Project! Today I've been working on designs for the main game screen. By starting with the generalities of the in-game interface first, I'll be setting...
  • iOS Shooter: Initial Decisions

    I've set out my goals, and done my research, so it's time for me to actually start making some decisions for my iOS Shooter. This week, I'm picking my concept, themes and major elements of playing style. These ideas will be something of a road map for the rest of...
  • iOS Shooter Project: Research

    I've had a busy week of research for the iOS Shooter Project and boy, are there ever some interesting shoot 'em ups out there! After a little bit of Googling and scouring the App Store, I picked 5 shooters to look at in detail. I spent a bit of time...
  • A New Project

    The blogging's been a bit slow of late. And I've been looking for a new technical project to sink my teeth into. So I'm going to kill two birds with one stone, and blog about writing a new mobile game! Working on Togolon was great fun, but terrible at promotion...
  • Java: Quick and Easy System.out Redirection

    I recently found myself in the exciting position of having to put together some unit tests for a Java command-line utility, whose results of course all went straight to System.out. Handily, Java provides some neat functionality to redirect output streams. I fiddled around with a few output stream types and...
  • My Peurile Sense of Humour

    I found myself overwhelmed with a sense of shame this afternoon, after a BBC News piece on the Shadow Chancellor's conference speech left me giggling uncontrollably. The tagline it carried reading simply "Balls: These are the darkest times in my lifetime". The wonderful double meaning combined with trivialising a hefty...
  • The Curse of Onion Hands

    I like cooking, but I don't tend to do it that often. This is for two reasons. Firstly, I live alone and can't be bothered to cook for one. And secondly, onion hands. Onion hands, the lingering smell of onions on one's fingertips after cooking. Sometimes even if you haven't...
  • Writer's Block? Blogger's Block. Blogger's Blog!

    In case the nonsensical title didn't make it clear, I've not blogged in a while. For some odd reason, I've been struggling to think of something interesting to write about. Not that there isn't enough in the news. For instance, I could write about the current global financial instability and how all...
  • Run Report: 2011 10k

    Ok, so I didn't take any new photos this year. But here's one from 2009 to give you the gist. Another British 10k has come and gone, and nearly a week later, it's probably time I updated you all on how it went! Ok, so it wasn't my best year,...
  • The Perils of Gym Etiquette

    It's surprisingly difficult to be a nice person. Sometimes, no matter what you do, you just can't avoid being a prick. I was at the gym the other day, participating in a company-wide "log 30 mins of exercise a day and we'll measure it with an unnecessarily elaborate world map...

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